As part of the SDGs activities, "Higashin presents New Japan Philharmonic 50th Anniversary Special Concert 1st Charity Concert Wishing on a Star ~ Masterpieces that parents want to hear from children ~" will be held on October 16, 2021. held on the day. (Organizer: New Japan Philharmonic / Co-sponsor: Tokyo Higashi Shinkin Bank)
On November 15th, I held a donation presentation ceremony with Mr. Kiyoshi Nakata, Chairman of Tokyo Higashi Shinkin Bank, to "NPO Parenting Square Kaaka no Ouchi" and "NPO Kids Door".

Kaaka's house

made from organic materials
Crayons that are harmless to put in your mouth
It was a present.
New Japan Philharmonic will contribute to the SDGs activities of companies through concerts (music).
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TEL 03-5610-3820(平日10:00~18:00、土日祝:休)