New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra members select and plan programs from their own unique perspectives in the ``Chamber Music Series - Orchestra Member Producer Edition''. There will also be a pre-talk by the performers before the performance.
New Japan Philharmonic 's Chamber Music Series has been running since 2004. It was started with the aim of improving the ensemble of the orchestra members and reaching out to new music fans. In April 2015, the title "Musician Producer Edition" was added, and the series has become established as a popular series with over 160 performances to date. The orchestra members themselves select the theme, select the music, and even produce the arrangements for their co-performers. This project has been well received as a way to enjoy the individuality of New Japan Philharmonic 's individual players and the appeal of their instruments, which is different from orchestra performances.
Tickets will go on general sale from Saturday, June 1, 2024.
■ Ticket release date (all from 10:00)
●優先発売(対象:マイプラン会員 ※2024/25シーズン定期演奏会をチケット・マイプランで購入された方が対象)5/28(火)
●一般発売 6/1(土)
Venue: Sumida Triphony Hall Small Hall
[Single ticket] ¥3,000 [4 Continuous Ticket] ¥10,800 [Pre-talk by performers from 19:00]
室内楽シリーズXXI~楽員プロデューサー編~(後半)#169「一夜限りのカルメン!」 Produced by 村松裕子(NJPコントラバス奏者)
Thursday, October 24, 2024 7:15pm start
Bizet (arranged by Yuko Muramatsu): Excerpts from the opera "Carmen"
ヴァイオリン:田村安紗美 チェロ:矢野晶子
コントラバス:村松裕子 トランペット:山川永太郎
パーカッション:柴原 誠
フラメンコギター:稲津清一 フラメンコ舞踊家:ロッハー葵
Chamber Music Series XXI ~Musician Producer Edition~ (Second Half) #170 Produced by Nobuyoshi Asama (NJP Oboe Player)
Monday, January 20, 2025 19:15 start
JS Bach: Excerpts from "Goldberg Variations" (Oboe Quartet version), etc.
オーボエ:浅間信慶、岡 北斗、神農広樹、森 明子
Chamber Music Series XXI ~Musician Producer Edition~ (Second Half) #171 Produced by Mitsuri Katsurada (NJP Viola Player)
Monday, February 17, 2025 19:15 start
マイケル・コルグラス: Variations for Four Drums and Viola(4つのドラムとヴィオラのための変奏曲)
ブラームス:クラリネット三重奏曲 イ短調 op.114(ヴィオラ版) ほか
ヴァイオリン:玉井 元 ヴィオラ:桂田光理 チェロ:飯島哲蔵 フルート:野口みお パーカョン:山内創一朗 ピアノ:高橋ドレミ ハープ:小嶋玲奈
Chamber Music Series XXI ~Musician Producer Edition~ (Second Half) #172 "from "Empire"" Produced by Eitaro Yamakawa (Chief Trumpet Player of NJP)
Friday, March 21, 2025 19:15 start
モーツァルト:歌劇『劇場支配人』K. 486より序曲(金管五重奏版)
モーツァルト:ホルン五重奏曲 変ホ長調 K. 407より第3楽章「ロンド-アレグロ」(金管五重奏版)
モーツァルト:ピアノソナタ第16番 ハ長調 K. 545(金管五重奏版)
ヴィクトル・エヴァルド:金管五重奏曲第2番 変ホ長調 op. 6
トランペット:市川和彦、杉木淳一朗、山川永太郎 ホルン:日髙 剛 トロンボーン:山口尚人 テューバ:佐藤和彦