知ればもっとコンサートが楽しくなる! 午前11時の60分ワンコイン講座(2023年7月)


In order to enjoy 120% of the "Sumida Classical Music Concert", which starts at 2:00 pm, we will dig deeper into the program notes (commentary on the songs) and explain them in a fun way using sound sources and images!
In just 60 minutes, we promise that you will be able to enjoy listening to any song instantly.
Why don't you prepare quickly in 1 hour on the day of the concert?
(Lecturer Takayuki Komuro)


[Lecturer Profile] Takayuki Komuro (Music Writer / University Faculty)

After studying composition and musicology at a music college, as a music writer, he writes commentary on songs, mainly classical and jazz, and interviews with famous artists. In addition to working as a part-time lecturer at Wayo Women's University, her commentary on movie music on TBS Radio is often popular.

Outline of the event

● Date and time:

7/7(金)11:00~ 東武ホテルレバント東京(すみだトリフォニーホール隣)6F
6Fチャペルにて 10:40~受付

7/8(土)11:00~ すみだトリフォニーホール 
1F楽屋口にて 10:40~受付

●Lecturer: Mr. Takayuki Komuro


● Participation fee: 500 yen per person (Please pay at the reception on the day.)

●定員:7/7(金)40名〈定員に達したため締切〉 、7/8(土)25名〈残席僅少〉

* First-come-first-served basis.

How to apply

■E-mail でお願いします。
culture@njp.or.jp へ下記項目をお送りください。
① お名前・座席番号(ご参加希望の方全員分)② ご住所 ③お電話番号


* We will contact you 7 days before the event only if you are unable to participate due to over capacity, so please come directly to the reception on the day.

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