[Online Lecture 645th Regular Concert] <Let's find out with the members of the New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra The charm of the orchestra! 〉Viewing ticket sales start

What kind of person was that composer? What was the background of this song?

In addition to commentary by the navigator, this is an online lecture delivered by welcoming members of the New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra.

The members of the orchestra, who have just finished rehearsals, will appear and talk about their interactions with the conductor, the atmosphere during the performance, and their thoughts on the song for the performance. You can also enjoy talks only here, such as a question corner from customers.

〈This time's theme〉

[Musicians who move freely between classical and modern]

This time's highlights and listening points!

♪Focusing on the fact that the conductor Emelyanichev and the pianist Melnikov have in common that they are virtuosos who can play both modern and ancient instruments freely.
♪ Haydn in classical music, Prokofiev in 20th century modernism, and Rachmaninov in romanticism.
♪ New Japan Philharmonic double bass player Yuko Muramatsu, Chief timpani player Tatsuya Kawase, and navigator Takuya Hiraoka will deliver fun and easy-to-understand stories, including rehearsals.

Date and time: October 31, 2022 (Monday) 20:00-21:00 (about 1 hour)


Performers: New Japan Philharmonic contrabass player Yuko Muramatsu, New Japan Philharmonic Chief timpani player Tatsuya Kawase

Online lecture viewing ticket (with archive): 500 yen (tax included)

Tickets can be purchased until 11:59 on October 31 (Monday)


ご応募は online.q@njp.or.jp オンラインレクチャー担当 矢浪まで。

There is also a discount set ticket (handled only at BASE) with the 645th regular concert ticket.
Viewing tickets can be purchased from the following.

Purchase at BASE (value set tickets are also available)
Purchase at peatix (regular tickets only)

Navigator introduction

平岡 拓也(音楽評論家)

1996 年生まれ。幼少よりクラシック音楽に親しみ、全寮制中高一貫校を経て慶應義塾大学文学部卒業。在学中はドイツ語圏の文学や音楽について学ぶ。大学在学中にはフェスタサマーミューザKAWASAKIの関連企画「ほぼ日刊サマーミューザ」(2015 年)、「サマーミューザ・ナビ」(2016 年)でコーナーを担当。現在までにオペラ・エクスプレス、Mercure des Arts、さっぽろ劇場ジャーナルといったウェブメディア、在京楽団のプログラム等にコンサート評やコラムを寄稿している。

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