【大晦日特別企画】超!ジルベスタ―・コンサート & ランチ or ディナー付きセット 限定発売(2023年)

2023年12月31日(日)大晦日謝恩 ジルベスタ―・コンサート限定特別企画

Annual concert presented by Akira Miyagawa & New Japan Philharmonic on New Year's Eve. A big hit every year! In response to this, we will sell concert S seat tickets and hotel meal sets again this year! (Concerts are available for ages 4 and up, and you can choose either lunch or dinner.)

The venue for meals is a restaurant in Tobu Hotel Levant Tokyo located next to the Triphony Hall , "Super Dining" Werderur.

「ヴェルデュール」は、お客様の安全・安心を第一に考えた楽しい食の空間です。ライブで焼き上げるお肉料理や石窯焼きピザ、 パティシエ特製のデザートやフルーツが彩り豊かに並びます。 ヴェルデュール“New Style Dining”で、美味しいお料理と楽しい時間を満喫してください。

Super Dining "Verdure" (Tobu Hotel Levant Tokyo)

“New Style Dining” at Tobu Hotel Levant Tokyo “Verdure” is 6,500 yen (tax and service included) for lunch and dinner during the year-end and New Year holidays. New Japan Philharmonic concert S seats are 6,000 yen for general, but if you order a set, it's just 10,000 yen! You save 2,500 yen. There is also a set fee for 4 years old to junior high school students.


set content


Hotel lunch
@Tobu Hotel Levant Tokyo 2F
Super Dining "Verdure"
13:30-15:00 (90 minutes) including soft drink bar
*Seats are available until 15:00, but please move to the hall before the performance starts.
S seat ticket
・Starting at 15:00, ending at 17:00 (planned)


S seat ticket
・Starting at 15:00, ending at 17:00 (planned)
hotel dinner
@Tobu Hotel Levant Tokyo 2F
Super Dining "Verdure"
17:30-19:00 (90 minutes) including soft drink bar
  • The displayed plan price is the tax-included price.
  • The number of seats is limited for both lunch and dinner. Please note that it may be sold out.
  • You cannot change the meal time after applying.
  • This set ticket does not have a silver / Sumida-ku residence / work / school discount. Please make a reservation at the general price.

Sales period




New Japan Philharmonic Ticket Online
Set with lunch│Set with dinner