2022年11月3日(木・祝)、4日(金)の第645回定期演奏会には、プロコフィエフ:ピアノ協奏曲第2番 ト短調 op. 16のソリストとして、アレクサンドル・メルニコフ氏(Alexander Melnikov)が出演します。今回の演奏会に向けてのメッセージをいただきました。


Sergei Prokofieff’s Second Piano Concerto holds a special place among his creative output. While more often that not we associate Prokofieff’s music with either bursts of positive healthy energy, or “fairy-tale grade” poetic lyricism, few significant pieces are presenting us with dark, haunting, and certainly tragic atmosphere. One can think of the opera “Fiery Angel”, the Third Symphony, or indeed the Second Piano Concerto. This is no accident, since the first version of the piece was dedicated to the memory of composer’s friend Maximillian Schmidthof, who tragically killed himself in 1913. The music describes the tragedy with the colossal force, and it often makes me think of natural disasters. It’s reputation as one of the hardest piano concertos is well deserved, It is definitely very difficult to play.


2. 日本のクラシック音楽ファンにメッセージをお願いします。

As years go by I realize more and more how incredibly lucky and privileged I am to be able to perform in Japan, the country with the most refined and understanding musical audiences one can imagine. Especially in these terrible and turbulent times I feel so honoured to be presenting this wonderful music, which is frighteningly cognate to the current tragic events.


何年か前から、少しずつ実感するようになったんです。日本で演奏することが如何に幸せで特別なことか、洗練されて音楽的な理解の深い聴き手のいるこの国で。とりわけ今の恐ろしい激動する時代の真っただ中で、まさに恐ろしいほどに同質な この素晴らしい音楽作品を演奏できるという事をとても光栄に思っています。
